Often we experience issues that affect others and most times, we prefer to be passive since it does not affect us in any way. If truly humanity is all about being there for each other, why then do people tend to shy away from lending a voice to issues that affect other people or groups of people? Well, it can be argued that people tend to stay quiet in order to avoid conflicts, being seen as foolish, or mean. Nevertheless, is staying silent really worth it especially when something needs to be said?  Here are 6 reasons why you should learn to speak up:

  • Silence means approval

It might seem staying silent is your way of avoiding conflicts and unnecessary drama but then, you could be sending a wrong signal. Refusing to speak against injustice might translate to accepting the status quo. This makes you an enabler. Silence is also a means of communication. This shouldn’t discredit the importance of keeping silent, silence works best in moments of anger or you are unsure of what to say, however, keeping silent in the midst of injustice only allows injustice to prevail. A voice can always make a difference. People will never acknowledge or recognize your values and desires when you remain quiet. As individuals, it is imperative to know when to stay silent and when to speak up. Speak up when it will help others!

  •  You might be the next victim

If it happens to anyone, then it can happen you. When injustice abounds, it breaks all strata of moral thresholds and creates room for more injustice. As long as you fail to speak up against little things, you are exposing your human rights to being trampled upon in the future. If little issues are often overlooked, they aggravate into bigger societal issues. Therefore, if you are not speaking up when things are wrong, you might find yourself embroiled in the issues you once overlooked.

  •  Speaking up gives you a sense of responsibility and fulfillment

Psychologically, doing the right thing gives you a feeling of relief and achievement. It gives you inner peace and makes you feel good about yourself. It is important to always do what is right and not get uncomfortable because of your decision.

  •  Speaking up is an act of humanity

The world is a composition of diverse groups, races and structures that have been set in place to put some humans at a disadvantage. Inequality is a major threat to social and economic rights. Racial, gender, religious discrimination are not far-fetched in our world today. Standing in solidarity with those who are hugely affected by this backlash gives them a source of renewed hope and helps in fostering good relationships. Humanity should really be about looking out for each other. 

  •  Speaking up encourages others to speak up as well

Sometimes, you might be the lone voice when you stand for the truth but other people who share your ideas, beliefs and feelings soon surround you. This people might be willing to make personal sacrifices for a greater good. You might never know how influential you are until you speak up against social ills.

  •  Because God wants us to.

We should always not neglect the opportunity to voice our opinions on injustice and discrimination in our society because God really wants to see us go the distance for others. This can be evidently seen in the Bible, in the book of proverbs 31: 8- 9 (NIV) which says “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Isaiah 1: 17 (NIV) also says asserted the need to stand up for other, it says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

When next you are confronted by injustice in your social space, always do the bit to lend your voice to defeat this menace.


  1. I never knew speaking up was in the bible. Wow great insight.

  2. Nice post. The points are all valid

  3. I think sometimes we are afraid to speak up because the consequences of speaking can also be as deadly as that of not speaking and I dare say even worse! If you don't speak up, atrocities will continue, if you speak, you might be the next target (think Fela, Sowore, MLK and every other human rights activist). But overall, we love our individual lives too much to want to take a risk and lose it. How do we overcome this fear?
    Great piece sir.


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